human body is marvelous. it forced me to rest and sleep a lot and was quietly working furiously inside to heal the injuries and repair the damaged bones and tissues. my job is to provide it all the necessary supplies, basically, a lot of calcium, vitamins, antioxidants. i have been consuming tons of vegetables, milk, vitami d and calcium supplements. i use tumeric, ginger, and garlic liberally in my food. very little carbohydrates. even with zero exercise i have maintained my weight so far. this regimen has worked very well so far. all non-fracture injuries have almost healed. i don't know how well fractures have healed. i would know when i meet the orthopedist in a couple of weeks and he takes new x-rays. i have stopped taking pain killers. i don't like them. they constipate and interfere with healing. sleeping continuously for more than 3-4 hours at night is difficult since i feel co much discomfort with immobile left hand in sling and not being able to turn on the side....