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Showing posts from March, 2015

How critical oxygen is for producing energy

ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) is the energy currency of life. ATP is produced by using up glucose molecules. If we have plenty of oxygen a single glucose molecule will create 30 ATP molecules through the complete process of cellular respiration.. If completely oxygen deficient, only a net of 2 ATP molecules will result. In addition, in oxygen deficient conditions, lactic acid is produced as a byproduct and builds up in the muscles.

Heart rate vs. pulse

I thought these two meant the same. They are not. Heart rate is the rate at which your heart beats per minute. Pulse, on the other hand, is the  mechanical pulse of blood flow through the capillaries felt, for instance, at the base of the thumb at the the wrist. Pulse is also measured as a rate per minute. Generally, the heart rate and pulse rate should be the same. But, when the pulse rate is lower, say, 50 when heart rate is 70, it means there is a problem in getting the blood to that arterial point.

Mooc Update

Completed and received the certificate: 1. "HIST1.2x Civil War and Reconstruction - 1861-1865" taught by the famous historian Eric Foner. Completed and waiting to receive the certificate: 1. PH525.1x Statistics and R for the Life Sciences - Harvard U 2. NUTR101x Introduction to Nutrition – Food for Health 3. Introduction to Physical Chemistry - Manchester U Courses in progress: 1. "HIST1.3x The Civil War and Reconstruction - 1865-1890" (Notice different period). 2. R Programming - Johns Hopkins 3. Vital Signs: Understanding What the Body Is Telling Us - UPenn


I didn't know the meaning of this word before. Actually, my father when he owned small amount of lands in Munganahalli, allowed part of his lands (about 1/3rd) tilled and harvested by a Harijan family in return for a share of the harvest. This is sharecropping. It was employed to some extent in US during reconstruction in the aftermath of the civil war which freed the slaves. Sharecropping has its advantages - the risks and rewards are shared between the owner and cropper. The basic disadvantage is you lose the economies of scale which didn't matter much back in my village days.

Atul Gawande's writing

I just finished reading 2009 long article "The Cost Conundrum"  in The New Yorker. The article is about spiraling healthcare costs in the US. It is a well researched paper which influenced policy. I have started reading Gawande's book "The Checklist Manifesto." This is also a beautiful book. The summary is basically using a checklist while performing hospital procedures. You might say, checklist? what is the big idea? But, a simple checklist in surgery reduced deaths by more than 30% and dramatically cut costs.