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Showing posts from May, 2015

Watched the movie "Siddharth" bu Richie Mehta

Absolutely wonderful movie. The best performance by Rajesh Tailang in the main role of Mahendra Saini. The movie is very realistic. A moving tale. The innocence,  simple living, perseverance, integrity are the hallmark virtues of Mahendra Saini's character. This movie has been highly rated.

John Nash killed in a car accident

John Nash, a celebrity of my town West Windsor, was killed in a car accident with his wife Alicia on May 23, 2015. So sad. John Nash, a brilliant mathematician received Nobel prize in Economics. He was portrayed in the award winning The Beautiful Mind, a movie. I never got to meet Nash. When I went to library and borrowed the movie Beautiful Mind, the library person said that he came to library often. His adult son, Johnny Nash, who lived with his parent  also hung around in the library or a pizza shop in West Windsor. Johnny also suffered from schizophrenia and is unemployed though he has a PhD in mathematics and a brilliant mathematician himself.

Why did Bronze age come before Iron age?

Bronze age refers to the human historical period 2000 BC - 500 BC. Iron age is from 500 BC to 20th century AD. Iron is plentiful on the earth's crust much more than copper and tin that bronze is made of. But, the only reason bronze age came first was because bronze melts at a lower temperature than iron. The melting points of these materials are: Copper:    1,085°C Tin:    232°C Bronze:   950 °C Copper:    1,540°C

MOOC Status in 2015

I have completed in 2015, so far, 7 MOOCs. R Programming - Johns Hopkins Intro to Physical Chemistry - U Manchester Vital Signs: Understanding what the body is telling us - UPenn The Civil war and reconstruction 1861-1865 - Columbia Intro to Nutrition - Wageningen U, Netherlands Statistics and R for Life Sciences - Harvard The Civil war and reconstruction 1865-1890 - Columbia