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Showing posts from March, 2016

1000 Classes, 1000 Days!!!

Today March 18, 2016 is special for me. I completed 1000 Bikram yoga classes in 1000 days. On the internet I learned a couple of people have achieved this milestone, one in Boston and one in New York city. There may be more. Not everyone has the opportunity like I did to keep going day after day due to work or family or other situations. For some, Bikram yoga is expensive compared to joining a gym. As I look back, I persisted in spite of a few occasions when I felt so dizzy and light headed and nearly fainted. Once, I did throw up and faint and was taken to emergency. I knew that occasion was caused due to dehydration and doctors found nothing. But such things scare the family members. People ask me why do I keep going day after day. The amount of commitment is enormous. I get up at 4 AM so I have enough time to hydrate before my 6 AM class. I go to bed at 8:30 PM so I can get up at 4 AM. If the studio closes for snow, I do double on another day to make up. If I have to travel ...

World's First Female Telephone Operator!

Emma Mills Nutt hired 9/1/1878 by Bell himself! Her sister Stella was the second woman ever! "The customer response to her soothing, cultured voice and patience was overwhelmingly positive, so boys were soon replaced by women." Emma is in the rear the picture below with her sister Stella.