I use ginger and turmeric liberally in my every morning oatmeal breakfast. I have my own recipe which is basically a lot of vegetables. What I prepare lasts for three days for me and my wife. The general ingredients are: less than one cup oatmeal 2 big long eggplants 2 big red onions lots of frozen vegetables (beans, corn, peas, tindora, amla) Ginger Turmeric Hot chillies Mustard Peanuts Canola oil Tamarind I don't put garlic since I don't like the taste but I have been taking one 2000 mg garlic pill everyday. It will take some time to clearly understand the effects of all the ingredients in my oatmeal breakfast, but I want to start off very briefly with what turmeric and ginger do in this post. Turmeric : turmeric is at the top of the spice class. It is known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, its use as a digestive aid, and it ability to improve circulation. Its benefits are touted to be improving cardiac health, relief of aches and...