Neptune is the farthest planet in the solar system after Pluto was demoted to dwarf planet status. It was discovered mathematically first and then by observation in Sep. 1846 (166 years ago). Neptune completes its revolution around the Sun every 165 years. So, it just completed one revolution since the time of its discovery! It has seasonal changes kind of similar to ours but its season lasts for 40 earth years!
It has 13 known moons. Triton, the largest of Neptune's moons didn't form in place but was "captured." Triton was going around the Sun like another dwarf planet but fell into Neptune's gravitational pull and became its moon.
It has 13 known moons. Triton, the largest of Neptune's moons didn't form in place but was "captured." Triton was going around the Sun like another dwarf planet but fell into Neptune's gravitational pull and became its moon.