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Showing posts from December, 2014

Top 15 Healthy Foods for People with Kidney Disease

This list is from 1. Red bell peppers 1/2 cup serving red bell pepper = 1 mg sodium, 88 mg potassium, 10 mg phosphorus low in  potassium ,  excellent source of vitamin C and vitamin A, as well as vitamin B6, folic acid and fiber.,  contain lycopene, an antioxidant that protects against certain cancers. 2. Cabbage 1/2 cup serving green cabbage = 6 mg sodium, 60 mg potassium, 9 mg phosphorus packed full of phytochemicals,  High in vitamin K, vitamin C and fiber, a good source of vitamin B6 and folic acid. Low in potassium 3. Cauliflower 1/2 cup serving boiled cauliflower = 9 mg sodium, 88 mg potassium, 20 mg phosphorus high in vitamin C and a good source of folate and fiber . packed full of indoles, glucosinolates and thiocyanates—compounds that help the liver neutralize toxic substances that could damage cell membranes...

Kidney function decline

There seems to be natural decline in kidney function with againg . These two papers are highly technical and describe age related kidney deterioration. Some noteworthy things that I could understand from these papers are as follows. Aging proceeds at different rates not only in different species but also in different organs and tissues of the same organism (2). Thus the function of the kidneys and lungs declines faster than the function of the brain and heart. As the kidney ages, about 25% of the glomeruli disappear by the fourth decade and one-half by the seventh decade (9). Between the ages of 20 and 90, they observed a decline in GFR from 122 to 65 ml/min or 1 ml/min/year. This rate of decline further accelerates after the age of 65, especially in individuals with hypertension (8).  serum creatinine remains unchanged probably because of simultaneous decrease...