I saw an interesting graph in a research paper "Interaction of Aging and CKD" (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2771919/). Acronyms
CKD=Chronic Kidney Disease
eGFR = estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate
ESRD=End-Stage Renal Disease
"Older patients are less likely than their younger counterparts with similar levels of eGFR to progress to the point of needing renal replacement therapy ."
"the relative risk of death associated with a given level of eGFR is attenuated at older ages"
"These observations are of more than academic interest because the overwhelming majority of older patients currently classified as having CKD have mild to moderate reductions in eGFR and are no more likely to die than their age peers with “normal” renal function"

CKD=Chronic Kidney Disease
eGFR = estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate
ESRD=End-Stage Renal Disease
"Older patients are less likely than their younger counterparts with similar levels of eGFR to progress to the point of needing renal replacement therapy ."
"the relative risk of death associated with a given level of eGFR is attenuated at older ages"
"These observations are of more than academic interest because the overwhelming majority of older patients currently classified as having CKD have mild to moderate reductions in eGFR and are no more likely to die than their age peers with “normal” renal function"