I saw a port in FB by https://www.facebook.com/victoria.mohren?hc_ref=ARSIqUQtCz4-eqd9nvMUf3oYOMMm9EHf28WDpwM6aEHYwnVmGiwuj12vtPIE41QHJnM&fref=nf
It is a short report but a little bit technical and I haven't understood it completely. But I was impressed with this simple definition.
"Fasting is withholding food &/or nutriments from the organism when it does not require any. Starving is the withholding of food &/or nutriments from the organism when it requires them."
My understanding is we should never starve. Also we have to be careful when we can fast.
It is a short report but a little bit technical and I haven't understood it completely. But I was impressed with this simple definition.
"Fasting is withholding food &/or nutriments from the organism when it does not require any. Starving is the withholding of food &/or nutriments from the organism when it requires them."
My understanding is we should never starve. Also we have to be careful when we can fast.