Out of 20 MOOCs I have completed thus far eight were extremely hard, the hardest I have encountered. Many were extremely easy requiring about a few hours of work every week.
These courses start on different dates and run for different lengths of time. So, at times I have too many at the same time. I have had to drop some because it was just impossible to handle the work.
For me, MOOCs that are not hard sciences are easy. The traditional hard sciences (biology, physics, math) require a lot of hard work.
The hardest courses I have had were aught by professors at MIT, Duke, and Caltech.
These courses start on different dates and run for different lengths of time. So, at times I have too many at the same time. I have had to drop some because it was just impossible to handle the work.
For me, MOOCs that are not hard sciences are easy. The traditional hard sciences (biology, physics, math) require a lot of hard work.
The hardest courses I have had were aught by professors at MIT, Duke, and Caltech.