Our skin is the largest organ in the body. The outermost layer is dead cells. So, we are pretty much dead outside. This provides the protection against viruses that are abundant in the air. The skin also has anti-microbial peptides made by our cells and bacteria. Skin is not perfect, we could still get infection through mosquito or animal bites, scratching, injuries.
There are mucosal surfaces like respiratory tract, alimentary, urogenital tracts. These have epitheleal living cells that are suceptible to viral entry. We cannot seal these tracts with concrete because we need to breathe and eat to live. We take in 6 litres of air per minute.
However, we have pretty good defenses. The epitheleal cells are covered with mucous which traps viruses. We make 20 to 200 ml of mucous per day in the respiratory tract. The virus particles trapped in mucous get swallowed through ciliary action. This happens 30 times per hour.
There are mucosal surfaces like respiratory tract, alimentary, urogenital tracts. These have epitheleal living cells that are suceptible to viral entry. We cannot seal these tracts with concrete because we need to breathe and eat to live. We take in 6 litres of air per minute.
However, we have pretty good defenses. The epitheleal cells are covered with mucous which traps viruses. We make 20 to 200 ml of mucous per day in the respiratory tract. The virus particles trapped in mucous get swallowed through ciliary action. This happens 30 times per hour.