We all give and take.
I think what matters is the net. Some people give more than they take and some take more than they give.
Quantifying this net is not easy.
If you smile when you see another person, you both feel happy and there is only give for both. So, this is not necessarily a zero-sum game.
Entropy of the universe increases with time no matter what. The question is do your actions accelerate the universal entropy increase? Or, do your actions help actually reduce the entropy? [I remember Samhita in my MAT251 - Calc III class coming at the end of the class to the desk and arranging neatly the quizzes strewn over the desk by other students. What a nice effort to reduce disorganization which works towards reducing entropy.]
In general, a teacher, any teacher, gives more than he or she takes.
Generally, people at the lower end of the economic scale like workers in restaurants, sanitation workers, a bus or train conductor give more than they take. A researcher gives more than he takes.
Financial company executives take more than they give. They take more and if they want they can give also more. Examples are Bill gates and Warren Buffett who are undoubtedly giving a lot to the world. At the end, they would have given much more than they have taken.
What matters is not the absolute amount given but relative amount. A schoolteacher has less to give so whatever is given is substantial.
Giving doesn't have to be in terms of dollars. Just being nice to another fellow human being or an animal is also giving though it is difficult to quantify.
Saying thank you, is giving. Picking up trash other people leave behind is giving. Smiling is giving. Recognizing and appreciating another person's efforts and contribution is giving. Giving a hug is giving. There are so many ways that one could give.
On the same note, trashing another person, being unduly critical, feeling jealous is all taking.
I think what matters is the net. Some people give more than they take and some take more than they give.
Quantifying this net is not easy.
If you smile when you see another person, you both feel happy and there is only give for both. So, this is not necessarily a zero-sum game.
Entropy of the universe increases with time no matter what. The question is do your actions accelerate the universal entropy increase? Or, do your actions help actually reduce the entropy? [I remember Samhita in my MAT251 - Calc III class coming at the end of the class to the desk and arranging neatly the quizzes strewn over the desk by other students. What a nice effort to reduce disorganization which works towards reducing entropy.]
In general, a teacher, any teacher, gives more than he or she takes.
Generally, people at the lower end of the economic scale like workers in restaurants, sanitation workers, a bus or train conductor give more than they take. A researcher gives more than he takes.
Financial company executives take more than they give. They take more and if they want they can give also more. Examples are Bill gates and Warren Buffett who are undoubtedly giving a lot to the world. At the end, they would have given much more than they have taken.
What matters is not the absolute amount given but relative amount. A schoolteacher has less to give so whatever is given is substantial.
Giving doesn't have to be in terms of dollars. Just being nice to another fellow human being or an animal is also giving though it is difficult to quantify.
Saying thank you, is giving. Picking up trash other people leave behind is giving. Smiling is giving. Recognizing and appreciating another person's efforts and contribution is giving. Giving a hug is giving. There are so many ways that one could give.
On the same note, trashing another person, being unduly critical, feeling jealous is all taking.