Not all cells and organs have the same degree of immune response. Some cells and organs cannot tolerate the accumulation of fluid, swelling, and inflammation and have naturally reduced immune response as a result. Examples are central nervous system, vitreous humor of the eye. Neurons don't regenerate and therefore have to block apoptosis. Some viruses take advantage of the reduced immuno response in these cells and organs and cause persistent infections. A type of persistent infection called latent infection can last the life time of the host.
Many viruses attack the immune cells. HIV infects CD4 T-cells, macrophages, monocytes, and dendritic cells. Our body can replenish the immune cells and that is the reason AIDs is a very long persistent infection. After many years our body cannot make the immune cells in sufficient quantities leading to final collapse of our immune system and we finally die off of opportunistic infections.
Many viruses attack the immune cells. HIV infects CD4 T-cells, macrophages, monocytes, and dendritic cells. Our body can replenish the immune cells and that is the reason AIDs is a very long persistent infection. After many years our body cannot make the immune cells in sufficient quantities leading to final collapse of our immune system and we finally die off of opportunistic infections.