Humans think, that is why we are humans. Thinking and thoughts are part and parcel of human existence. By concentration, or meditation, we may be able to suspend or reduce the rate of thoughts.
Once we are out of meditation, we are back to being full-fledged “thought” creatures. We have some control on what those “thoughts” are about, not 100% control. Senses aid in what we think. Sometimes thoughts about some thing or event or person or topic just gushes up uncontrollably.
There is no point in squelching the thought, instead, it is better to acknowledge the thought and let it run its course. While we may not be able to control the thought, we are able to control whether and how we translate the thought into action. We ARE responsible for our actions; we cannot say, well the thoughts drove me to do it.
We are all kind of schizophrenic –
- I, as X, think.
- I, as Y, can do lots of things.
- Observe what, as X, I am thinking,
- Judge what, as X, I am thinking,
- Decide whether I, as Y, need to do anything about it,
- Encourage X to continue thinking along the same line,
- Do nothing (or completely ignore) so X gets bored and just brings on another thought.
Perhaps you can add more possible actions of Y.
How do others perceive me as? as X? or, as Y? Nobody can sense X except me. In other's mind, I have an identity, and that is as Y.
X is not culpable since X is not known to others, but Y is. Y should never dismiss X. But Y should keep busy with meaningful activities so X has no room to intervene. When X does intervene, acknowledge, but be in control as to how far you, as Y, will take X’s output.