I read about recent UN sponsored World Happiness Report 2013. Happiness is hard to measure. As an emotion it is transient. As a measure of one's feeling about the general level of happiness with one's life as a whole, it is more stable. Bhutan was the first country that promoted the idea of setting country's policies with the intent to raise the index of happiness of its people.
John Stuart Mill, an English Pholosopher in 1800s said "“It is better to be a human being dissatisfied than a pig satisfied; better to be Socrates dissatisfied than a fool satisfied." I take it from this statement that Mill means that somehow being "Socrates" is more wholesome than being fat, dumb, and always happy. The fool might disagree with this.
Only the person who is evaluated can say whether he is happy with his life. Of course, his criteria depends on his own values and character.
The level of happiness of an individual is not entirely in the individual's control. The lack of physical security and corruption in the society can be the major sources of unhappiness to all the individuals. There is no denying that material wealth plays a huge importance in a person's happiness but that is not the only factor, may not even be the main factor. Mental health/illness is a very important factor.
The report's purpose is to drive the countries to adopt policies that elevate this level of happiness.
You can get the full report at http://unsdsn.org/files/2013/09/WorldHappinessReport2013_online.pdf.