This is black and white video, an hour long, made in 1976.
"Yoga is a complete subjugation or sublimation of waves of thought."
" order to win this oscillations of mind..."
What is health? In another interview (
Iyengar lists different aspects of health, conquest of the body, conquest of the brain, conquest of the indriyas, conquest of the mind, conquest of the intelligence, conquest of the consciousness, conquest of the conscious. Until all these are conquered, one does not have holistic health, only compartments of health.
" ...doing yoga comfortably..."
"there are four types of practitioners, mild, average, intense, and keenly vehement."
"Yoga is coming back to India." Amazing! It started in India thousands of years ago but it languished. It is the western involvement that is still changing yoga and the wind is now blowing in India. Yoga doesn't belong to India. It concerns the human being and is a universal culture. Yoga is an immortal subject, it will live forever.
"Yoga is a complete subjugation or sublimation of waves of thought."
" order to win this oscillations of mind..."
What is health? In another interview (
Iyengar lists different aspects of health, conquest of the body, conquest of the brain, conquest of the indriyas, conquest of the mind, conquest of the intelligence, conquest of the consciousness, conquest of the conscious. Until all these are conquered, one does not have holistic health, only compartments of health.
" ...doing yoga comfortably..."
"there are four types of practitioners, mild, average, intense, and keenly vehement."
"Yoga is coming back to India." Amazing! It started in India thousands of years ago but it languished. It is the western involvement that is still changing yoga and the wind is now blowing in India. Yoga doesn't belong to India. It concerns the human being and is a universal culture. Yoga is an immortal subject, it will live forever.