Vitamins are needed in small amounts in the body (in mg or micrograms).
A, D, E, K - fat soluble
C and B vitamins - water soluble
Free radicals are linked to cancer, CVD, arthritis, diabetes, emphesema, kidney disease, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, cataract.
A, C, E, carotenoids, selenium, phytochmicals have anti-oxidant role.
C: 90 mg per day, upper safe limit is 2000 mg per day.
C may protect against lung, colon cancers. and lower CVD risk.
Store food away from heat & light & eat soon after purchasing
Cut fruits & vegetables as close to cook or serve time as possible
Don’t soak vegetables before you cook them
Cook in as little water as possible
Use water from cooking vegetables to make soups & sauces
Don’t rinse rice before cooking – washes away water-soluble vitamins
A, D, E, K - fat soluble
C and B vitamins - water soluble
Free radicals are linked to cancer, CVD, arthritis, diabetes, emphesema, kidney disease, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, cataract.
A, C, E, carotenoids, selenium, phytochmicals have anti-oxidant role.
C: 90 mg per day, upper safe limit is 2000 mg per day.
C may protect against lung, colon cancers. and lower CVD risk.
Store food away from heat & light & eat soon after purchasing
Cut fruits & vegetables as close to cook or serve time as possible
Don’t soak vegetables before you cook them
Cook in as little water as possible
Use water from cooking vegetables to make soups & sauces
Don’t rinse rice before cooking – washes away water-soluble vitamins